Meal Planning Printables

Options for Plant Based Meal Planning Printables

Meal Planning Printables Keep You On Track

Meal planning printables are a huge help each week.  The more organized you are the EASIER it is to create your food list, get the items you need, and stay on track.  This doesn’t mean that you always have to follow it – because sometimes that’s just not possible.  But with a good plan, you can modify and adjust to the unexpected things that are thrown your way and make the best of it.

We recommend starting your meal planning journey with a printable, whether it’s for one week, two weeks, or an entire month, depending on your preferences. We have compiled two customizable options to suit your needs.

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Select Your Preferred Meal Planning Printables

Take a moment to explore both planner options – the Monthly Printable Planner and the 2-Week Planner – to determine which suits your needs best. Print out your preferred choice and give it a test run. Remember, you can always return to try the other format if you find it better suited to your meal-planning preferences.

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Monthly Meal Planning Printable Printing Tip:
You have the option to print the entire calendar year, but we suggest a more practical approach. When the print dialog box opens, click the print icon, choose the ‘pages’ option, and select the page number for the desired month. For instance, for ‘July,’ select page 7. To make it easier for yourself, you can bookmark this page for quick access to the upcoming month’s calendar.

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How to Use the Planners

The meal planners are meant to be an interactive tool that you will keep on your counter or carry with you for easy access.

  • When you think of a meal idea you want to make, you pencil it in on the day you want or write it in an open section to schedule for a later date.
  • As you are planning your week or month, you will draw from those to make your penciled-in plan.
  • Once you make the item, you erase the pencil marking and pen it in on the date you made it.
  • Then keep these completed calendars in a folder for future reference.  Before you know it, it will be so easy to plan out what to eat.

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Finding Meal Inspiration

Meal inspiration can come from various sources. At times, a particular craving strikes, and you jot it down to remember. On other occasions, when you need a quick and convenient meal solution, you can turn to our BEGINNER PLANT BASED FOODS. For those moments when you’re inclined to invest more time and creativity, our EASY PLANT BASED RECIPES offer satisfying options, or you can explore online recipes for more ambitious culinary endeavors.

To streamline your plant based meal planning, consider creating a PLANT BASED RECIPE BINDER. This binder can serve as your go-to resource for storing recipes and meal ideas, easily accessible alongside your meal planning calendar. After preparing a recipe, simply file it back in the binder for future use. The source of your meal ideas is flexible; the key is to take action and start planning your plant based meals.

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