Spices put the final touch on every recipe, so it is important to keep them fresh and handy. This way you know what you have and where to find them when you are in the middle of creating a recipe. There is nothing worse than thinking you have a particular spice and not being able to find it, or having your hands full of food and trying to root around in a cabinet looking for what you need. While not a completely plant based category, a little work to organize your spices can’t hurt. It could even be a good project to start your kitchen organization mission!
Whether you store them in a drawer, cabinet, or on your counter – there is no perfect way to house your spices, just do what works best for your particular situation. We cover all three main methods of organization and give you a few tips to accomplish each. Check out our recommended spices in the PLANT BASED STAPLES before getting started so you can keep those in mind while you are working.