Getting the most out of your grocery list printables begins with a store-centered strategy. First up, identify your nearby stores that have the best selection of plant based groceries to keep your home well stocked. In our PLANT BASED SHOPPING TIPS section, we go deep into the reasoning behind shopping at different stores, but here’s a quick overview for you:
In this sample, we’ve included five different stores, though this might be on the higher side. Remember that you don’t shop at all these stores every week. Typically, you’ll visit each of them once a month or so. It’s also perfectly fine to shop at just one or two stores – there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Your list should adapt to your unique shopping habits and preferences.
Here’s the rationale behind each choice:
- Superstore Grocery (e.g., Walmart or Target Superstore): Ideal for budget-friendly bulk pantry items, even if it’s a bit farther away. In addition to its budget-friendly nature, in most cases, you can order online for free pickup at the store or delivered for a minimal fee.
- Local Grocery: Conveniently located nearby, although it may lean toward the pricier side and may not have a large selection of plant based items.
- Warehouse Club (e.g., Costco or Sam’s Club): Perfect for bulk item purchases and many main plant based staples.
- Boutique or Specialty Store (e.g., Trader Joe’s): Offering unique products and a distinct shopping experience.
- High-End Store (e.g., Whole Foods): Known for premium items and a particular selection.