Vacations are a great time to relax and enjoy new experiences, but for those following a plant based diet, it can be challenging to stick to their dietary choices while away from home. However, with a little planning and preparation, you can easily follow a plant based diet while on vacation and have a healthy, enjoyable, and cruelty-free trip. 

  1. Research Your Destination: Before you book your vacation or cruise, research the area you will be visiting or the cruise line you will be taking to find out what types of plant based options are available. Look for vegan and vegetarian restaurants, grocery stores, and local markets that offer a variety of plant based foods. 
  1. Plan Your Meals: Once you have an idea of what types of plant based options are available, start planning your meals. Pack non-perishable plant based snacks, such as nuts, dried fruit, or crackers, to have on hand in case you are unable to find suitable options. 
  1. Choose Accommodations Wisely: Consider staying in a vacation rental or a hotel that has a kitchen or at least a refrigerator. This way, you can prepare your own meals and have better control over what you eat. If this is not possible, choose a hotel that offers a breakfast buffet with a variety of plant based options. 
  1. Ask About Food Preparation & Communicate Your Dietary Restrictions: When dining out, be sure to ask about the preparation of each dish you are interested in. Some dishes may contain animal products, such as butter or cheese, even if they appear to be vegetarian. 
  1. EXPLORE LOCAL CUISINE: Vacations are a great time to try new foods and flavors, and many cities have vegan and vegetarian restaurants. Take advantage of these opportunities to try new dishes and expand your plant based culinary horizons. 
  1. If You Are Struggling: Stick to more basic items of fruits, salads, smoothies/protein shakes, beans, and grains to get you by in a pinch. Our STAPLES & ESSENTIALS page will keep you on track and give you several ideas to think about.
  1. Don’t Forget to Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay on top of the hunger game and to feel refreshed. Make a plan to bring a reusable bottle from home and filled with fresh drinking water. 
  1. Keep Moving: In general, always plan to make it a point to move your body during your travels. It will keep your food moving through the digestive tract and you will feel better than if you sat all day. 
  1. Be Prepared for Social Situations: In social situations, such as family gatherings or dinner parties, it may be difficult to stick to your plant based diet. Be prepared by bringing along some snacks or a dish to share, or by having a polite conversation with your hosts about your dietary restrictions. 
  1. Don’t Be Discouraged If You Aren’t Perfect: Achieving perfection can be a hard thing, so don’t get down on yourself if indulge in something you wouldn’t normally do. Sometimes the best plan doesn’t work out and sometimes we really just want a non-plant based indulgence. If that happens, tomorrow is another day or you can jump back on when you return home. 
  1. Last But Not Least – Plan A Super Healthy Meal For Your Return: Stock your fridge and pantry with some easy prep foods for when you return home. A great staple is our DETOX VEGGIE SOUP. The hearty veggies are sure to please your gut and get you back to your normal self. 

In conclusion, following a plant based diet while on vacation is possible with a little planning and preparation. By researching your destination, planning your meals, and being prepared for social situations, you can have a healthy, enjoyable, and cruelty-free vacation.