Posts filed under: Plant Based Eating

Plant Based Eating

Explore plant based eating through easy recipes, simple printable meal guides, and plant based substitutions for common foods.

Managing Successful Weight Loss on a Plant Based Diet

In the pursuit of weight loss, the landscape of dietary advice can often feel overwhelming. Amidst the plethora of fad diets and conflicting recommendations, one approach stands out for its holistic benefits: plant based eating. More than just a dietary trend, managing weight loss on a plant based diet offers... Read More

Challenging Vegan Myths: 10 Reasons to Go Plant Based

Plant based eating has become a mainstream movement, with more and more people embracing a vegan lifestyle. However, despite its growing popularity, there’s still a surprising amount of vegan myths and misinformation circulating.  These vegan myths can be a major roadblock for those curious about exploring veganism. Don’t let them... Read More

What is a Healthy Plant-Based Diet? Learning How To Thrive.

Have you been curious about plant-based eating but unsure where to start? You’re not alone! Plant-based diets are gaining popularity due to their health benefits and environmental impact and many people are asking what is a healthy plant-based diet. But with so much information out there, it can be confusing... Read More

How To Eat Plant-Based On A Budget: Practical Tips & Strategies

Embracing a plant-based diet doesn’t have to break the bank. Contrary to common belief, adopting a plant-based lifestyle can actually be quite economical while still providing all the essential nutrients your body needs. In this topic of the week, we’ll explore how to eat plant-based on a budget with practical... Read More

Fuel Your Day The Plant-Based Way: Easy Healthy Power Bowls

Fueling your body with nutritious, delicious, and easy-to-prepare meals is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Enter the plant based easy healthy power bowls – a versatile and satisfying dish that combines wholesome ingredients to provide a burst of flavor, an abundance of nutrients, and endless possibilities. From nourishing grains... Read More

How to Keep Produce Fresh for a Vibrant Plant Based Lifestyle

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every fruit and vegetable had a user manual for perfect storage? Unfortunately, we’re left to navigate the world of produce preservation on our own. But fear not! In this updated guide to storing fruits and vegetables, we’ll explore the essential tips and tricks to keep... Read More

Unveiling Hidden Non Vegan Ingredients: A Comprehensive Look

Embarking on a plant based journey is a commendable choice for both personal health and the well-being of our planet. While avoiding obvious animal products is the first step, understanding the lesser-known non vegan ingredients is crucial for making truly informed choices. In this expanded guide, we’ll delve deeper in... Read More

Building A Nutritionally Complete Vegan Diet For Optimal Health

Plant based diets have surged in popularity, driven by ethical, environmental, and health concerns. However, a crucial question remains: can you create a nutritionally complete vegan diet for optimal health? The answer, like most things in nutrition, is nuanced, but positive. Let’s delve into the world of plant based eating... Read More

How To Succeed In A Mixed-Eating Household

Living in a household with diverse dietary preferences can be a rewarding experience, but it does come with its own set of challenges. Whether you’re a plant based enthusiast cohabiting with omnivores (aka conventional eaters) or vice versa, finding common ground in the kitchen can foster a harmonious and inclusive... Read More

How to Stay Motivated On A Plant Based Diet?

Embarking on a plant based journey is packed with excitement and delicious discoveries. But like any new adventure, there might be moments when staying motivated feels like scaling a beanstalk. You wonder how to stay motivated on a plant based diet? Worry not, fellow plant-powered peeps! Here are some tips... Read More