Posts filed under: Plant Based Eating

Plant Based Eating

Explore plant based eating through easy recipes, simple printable meal guides, and plant based substitutions for common foods.

Plant Based Vs Vegan: Which One Is Right For You?

While both vegans and plant based eaters prioritize plant foods, there’s a key difference in the plant based vs vegan motivation and scope. Think of plant based eating as a spectrum, with veganism being the most restrictive end. Plant based eaters primarily focus on the health and environmental benefits of... Read More

Navigating Social Situations When You Go Plant Based

You’ve made the leap into the vibrant world of plant based eating. Your fridge is an explosion of leafy greens, your taste buds are dancing with newfound flavors, and you’re feeling like a superhero fueled by lentils and sunshine. But hold on, plant warrior, because next comes the social hurdle... Read More

Create a Simple Plant Based Recipe Binder in a Flash

In the exciting journey towards a plant based lifestyle, maintaining organization is paramount. Picture this – a stack of random recipe papers scattered across your kitchen, making it a challenge to find that one dish you’ve been craving. Have you ever printed the same recipe multiple times in the chaos... Read More

Easy Plant Based Meals You’ll Crave in 15-Minutes

Living plant based doesn’t have to mean hours in the kitchen or intricate recipes. Sometimes, the most satisfying meals are the simplest, combining readily available ingredients to create quick and delicious dishes. That’s the beauty of our easy plant based meals we like to call “Simple Combination Dinners” – no... Read More

How To Get Enough Protein On A Plant Based Diet

Protein – the name brings forth images of bulging biceps and sizzling steaks. But what if you’re plant-powered? Can you get enough protein without animal products? Fear not, veggie warriors, for the plant kingdom bursts with protein punch! But before we dig into deliciousness, let’s understand why protein matters and... Read More

Jumpstart Your New Year: Veganuary for Beginners (No Kale Required!)

Get ready to ditch the diet blues and embrace a plant-powered January with Veganuary! This month-long adventure isn’t just about ditching meat and dairy; it’s about exploring vibrant flavors, discovering new favorites, and joining a supportive community. So, forget kale chips and boring salads – we’re talking savory MEDITERRANEAN SWEET... Read More

Sprinkle Some Love with Plant Based DIY Holiday Gift Ideas

‘Tis the season of giving, and what better way to spread holiday cheer than with thoughtful, homemade plant based DIY holiday gifts? Whether you’re a crafting extraordinaire or a DIY novice, these ideas are sure to delight your loved ones while promoting a compassionate, plant based lifestyle. Let’s dive into... Read More

The Holiday Flexitarian: Figuring Out Your Balance Beyond the Feast

For individuals committed to predominantly embracing a plant based lifestyle, the holiday season, travel adventures, and special occasions present opportunities to introduce flexibility into their dietary choices, should they desire to do so. You can explore options for following a flexible plant based lifestyle through our “DEFINE YOUR PATH” options... Read More

How To Seamlessly Celebrate Vegan Holidays With Ease

The holiday season is a time for joy, gratitude, and togetherness, and for those following vegan holidays, it can also be a time of culinary creativity and delicious food choices. Whether you’re hosting a holiday meal or attending an event, here are some tips on how to embrace the festive... Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Plant Based Meal Prep

In today’s fast-paced world, meal prepping has become a game-changer for those seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Plant based meal prep is no exception; it offers an array of benefits for both seasoned vegans and those looking to incorporate more plant based foods into their diets. In this topic... Read More